Hythe & Dibden YFC are a progressive community football club with a focus on positivity. Our mission is to empower as many children and young people as possible with positive skills and values through football. Skills and values such as responsibility, teamwork, resilience, making friends, integrity, fairplay, respect, inclusivity, winning and losing with dignity, and self-improvement.
We believe that by instilling these values, football has the power to have a positive impact on the lives of children, and potentially even a better future. So let’s get more young people involved!
We will endeavour to offer opportunities for footballing development to children and young people, but just as importantly we will provide safe, enjoyable football experiences. Our challenge is to get children to fall in love with the game, regardless of their ability. Only through a love for the game will they get the maximum benefit out of their football experiences.
We’re not developing superstar footballers for the premier league – we’re developing good young people for the community, and we will do so regardless of ability, gender, background and personal circumstances.
Soft tiering
A child at Hythe & Dibden YFC can expect to make new friends, have fun and develop as a footballer. Development at Hythe & Dibden YFC follows the FA four corner model for player assessment: when looking at player development, our coaches are trained to measure a players physical, social, psychological and technical capabilities. To ensure this happens effectively, we operate a ‘soft tiering’ policy to maximise these benefits for the children. Soft tiering places children in teams that are most suitable for their needs across the FA four corner model. This differs from hard tiering, where placement is based solely on technical ability.
Much like in classrooms at school, children develop and learn at different speeds and have different levels of ability and potential. Through soft-tiering, we aim to ensure the benefits of football are maximised for the individual, and their long term experiences in football are both enjoyable and beneficial for their development.
We are fortunate to have grown to the size of membership where most age groups at the club have multiple teams. Under this system, we encourage unity within the teams in the age groups and strive to ensure teams are working together for the benefit of the children collectively. By having the structure in place we’re able to quickly change the environment and minimise disruption, in order to maximise the child’s learning opportunities and enjoyment of the game.
Since we’ve introduced this structure across the football club we’ve seen a fall in drop out rates and more older children continuing to play at u18 and above. We believe this is because every child is given the right support at the right time in the right environment where many other clubs simply focus on the ‘advanced players’ in order to form an A team. At Hythe & Dibden YFC every child matters, and the footballing journey of every child is important.
Our hashtag embodies our beliefs in a simple, ownable and recognisable way. Football is a game that anyone can play, and our aim is to remove barriers and any feelings of exclusivity for children. Not everyone chooses to play football. But for those who would like to participate we will endeavour to offer opportunities for them to learn how to play football, and ultimately to play matches when appropriate.
There will be exceptions, both circumstantial and in direct relation to the individual.
The footballing opportunities we can offer are limited by the FA-governed coach-to-player ratio’s, and both the physical and psychological safety of the all children in the group, which will be of utmost consideration at all times. For example, if a player is consistently disruptive and abusive towards others, that child is in breach of their code of conduct agreement and may be asked to leave.
Our Values:
These values are what we look for in any player, parent, coach or committee member at Hythe & Dibden YFC, and the club will always look for opportunities to celebrate people who are demonstrating these values in football.
Better yourself
We strive to improve in everything we do. We are always learning and working hard to make our best even better.
Play Safe
We consider the safety of everyone around us, and protect each other both physically and emotionally.
Show Respect
We act with integrity. Win and lose graciously, be polite, and always do the right thing.
Take Ownership
Be responsible for your actions. Make things happen, use your initiative and act with purpose.
Be Positive
Always encourage, build confidence in yourself and others, and look for opportunities to catch people doing something right.
Have Fun
Football is a game, we play to enjoy it! Fun underpins everything we do.
our values
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