back to the football

We’re back! From Monday 29th March

The wait is over! Let’s get back to it!

Hopefully the children are as excited to return as we are. The FA have given us the guidance needed and all systems go to return to training and matches from Monday 29th March. Please wait for communication from your team manager to confirm times, and also the guidance we’re required to follow.

Applemore will be open only to us as a trial period, so please can we request that all rules are followed impeccably, no exceptions, so we can successfully pass this trial period and keep the children playing football. This is a shared responsibility so lets work hard to do this together.

Team training will remain as it was before Christmas, 1 hour per week to limit the number of people at Applemore. This will be reviewed periodically.

Parents and carers

There is some specific guidance for parents and carers which you can download and read from here.

Lockdown has been a strange and challenging time for all of us, especially our children. If your child is nervous about coming back to football or has any anxiety please contact your team manager to discuss and make them aware, so they can help to transition them back.

If you stopped your standing order for training fees, please could we request that it’s re-activated from April 1st. Let’s work hard together to follow the guidance and keep the children playing!

Opposition Coaches

If you are playing games at Applemore, please read this document in advance.
If you are playing games at Shore Road, please read this document in advance.

Let’s stay safe guys and enjoy getting back to some normality, and to the game we all know and love!


Hythe & Dibden Boot Exchange Service Launched

New boots for Christmas?

Please consider donating the old pair to our new ‘boot exchange’ service to help us build up a stock of boots.

This is a new service being run by the club to allow members to swap boots that are no longer needed for used boots in our stock that have come from players within the club.

If you have any boots to donate or would like to get involved, please contact Kati on 07787 187744.

chairman speech

Presentation speech from the Chairman and Vice-Chairman

It’s been a strange season with all the lockdown and COVID19 restrictions, capped off by not being able to have our usual presentation ceremony at St. Marys, where out Chariman and Vice-Chariman would say their thankyous and present a very special award.

So this year we’ve recorded a little video to share with you all, please see below…

Thanks for watching. Hopefully a more normal presentation next season.


An update from our Chairman

Hi, I hope everyone is well and looking forward to the summer holidays. These last few months have certainly been strange and as things slowly start to feel normal again it’s been a real delight to see some of our teams back out enjoying some football with their friends albeit in unfamiliar circumstances. We hope that in the coming weeks the pathway to familiar surroundings will become clearer and the club will move quickly to ensure this is done correctly and safely.

Despite some months of down time on the pitch, the clubs committee have been extremely busy off of it. Firstly back in late March we were really proud to present a webinar to coaches and clubs all over the country about what success looks like at a grass roots club. This is now available on The FA website.

We were also delighted to announce our long term partnership with Applemore College which secures the future of our club and with that the immediate development to the already brilliant facility. Renovation work has continued for the last 2 months by an incredible group of volunteers to renovate the containers which used to be site offices on a building site. Once completed these units will consist of toilets, changing rooms and a small club house/cafe area which will provide much needed refreshments on training and match days. To complement these developments we will also be adding 2 grass pitches which will create our very own football hub. Those of you that have children in older age groups will understand more just how far our club has come from the days of training and matches taking place in numerous locations. It’s a really exciting period for all of our members.

Now, there was only one way to celebrate our new facilities and that was to run out on the 4G in a brand new kit once we are given the green light. We tried to keep it a secret while our team work tirelessly to get the deal over the line and deliver a real show stopper of a kit. The reveal day was a lot of fun and really well received so Thank you for taking part. To complement the new kit deal we now have a fantastic club shop where you can purchase additional club branded items. I’m sure this will be well used at Christmas time!

As I write this I’m fully aware that despite the season finishing some months ago we haven’t yet had our annual celebration. With things the way they are unfortunately a night out at St Mary’s just isn’t possible but again our clubs committee has pulled out all of the stops to ensure we can create the best possible memories despite the restrictions. We are still working on a few loose ends but we hope to have a confirmed date for this by the end of this week. Thanks for your patience.

Lastly, in the midst of everything going on the club held its AGM. This year was different being an online affair but I was delighted to see no changes to this incredible team of volunteers. In all of my years involved in grassroots football I have never known such a motivated, hard working and genuine group of people. An outstanding Team.

I’m very much looking forward to getting back down to Applemore and catching up with as many of you as possible and once the cafe is open I have Coffee, white with 1.

Best wishes.

Wayne Harris.
(Club Chairman)



New club shop launched

We’re really pleased to announce the launch of our new online club shop! This will be a great asset for us going forwards, allowing parents to equip their children with amazing Hythe & Dibden YFC branded Puma gear as and when needed.

The site is run by our excellent new kit supplier,, and they will manage orders directly, freeing up our volunteer managers and coaches to focus on the football.

Our new kit is made by Puma, and is fantastic quality gear, you won’t be disappointed.

Any questions or queries about online ordering, please feel free to get in touch.


Football activities to restart at Shore Road this week

We’re really excited to get some of our teams back to socially distanced training this week. It’s been a lot of hard work from the committee getting arrangements made with the council, ordering in sanitiser and first aid equipment, understanding the FA guidance, and formulating our own plans.

Our amazing volunteer coaches have been briefed via Zoom, and it will be great to see some of the teams back out training. Please bear in mind training is completely optional, if you or the coach aren’t comfortable returning to football just yet, there is absolutely no requirement to do so.

Due to the facility at Applemore remaining closed, training will take place at Shore Road playing fields and we have a rota of pitch spaces set out there, with large transitional periods to ensure social distancing and minimise the burden of traffic and parking. As Shore Road is a public space, we must remain mindful of other users. Parking is extremely limited, so please if you live near enough and if at all possible, see if you can get there without driving.

We are also asking a parent or guardian of each child to remain on site, so if there is any requirement for treatment, they can attend and the coach can maintain the required 2m distance.

Here are the details of how it will work…

FA Guidance

Here are the pitch areas…

COVID19 training documents and resources…

We have produced some handy guides for parents, players and coaches, as well as first aid and training guidance. Please download and keep for reference.

Download the Players Guide >

Download the Parents Guide >

Download the Coaches Guide >

Download the First Aid Guidance >

Download the HDYFC Football Restart Training Guide >

Download our Covid19 Risk Assessment Document >

Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns – [email protected]


New home kit for the 2020/21 season

The stripes are back

We’re really excited to reveal our new home kit for the 2020/21 season, it’s looking fantastic! Amazing quality from Puma Teamwear and a slick new design, re-introducing the traditional green and white stripes in a fresh mint green, paired with ice white shorts and socks with matching colour details. We can’t wait to see the boys and girls wearing this next season!

A big thanks to our Sponsor New Forest Care, and to our supplier Football Kits Direct.

The stripes have been a big part of the clubs history, as you can see from this shot in the Echo from 2006, and we’re looking forward to bringing them back!

FA Webinar

Hythe & Dibden YFC case study published on the FA website

Prior to the coronavirus lockdown we were very proud to be asked to take part in a webinar for the FA on the topic of success in a grassroots football club. It was an honour to be asked to participate in any capacity, but on a topic like that was really flattering.

It was a really interesting process to step back and ask ourselves some difficult questions, and clearly define both how far we’ve come as a club and where we want to go. The webinar went really well, we’ve made some great contacts and received some fantastic feedback from both the FA club services team and other participants involved in grassroots football.

There’s a full case study published on the FA website, publicly available to download and read:

Or they can be viewed as images below:


Onwards an upwards!

africa kit

Our old Playing & Training Kit is going to help children Africa

We’re pleased to announce that our old playing and training kit will be on it’s way to Africa soon, to help children in poverty to enjoy the beautiful game. The area they’re going to in Uganda is quite green, it has plenty of grass, high up in the foothills of the Rwenzori mountains, so we’ll also be collecting donations for boots and shin pads that are no longer needed. They will be an enormous asset to children in the region who have very little, we can’t wait to see the green and white in action on another continent!

If you have some unused children’s football boots, shin pads or goalie gloves in reasonable condition, and would be happy to donate them, please get in touch, we’d love to get as much as possible onto the shipment.

Soon we will have a drop-off bin for people to deposit any donations, but in the mean time please contact us so we can arrange to collect.

We’ll post updates and announcements on our social media pages, so please make sure you follow us and we’ll keep you in the loop.

We’re all looking forward to seeing our amazing footballing community really pull together on this!

africa kit


Update on guidance to grassroots football clubs during Covid-19

It’s been a tough couple of months, and we’re all missing football! But hopefully now there’s some light at the end of the tunnel. We’re really proud of all our teams, who have been observing the rules impeccably during this difficult period.

This week has seen a new announcement by the FA regarding the permitted activity. Crucially, and obviously, social distancing must be observed at all times, not to mention common sense.

The hampshire FA website has confirmed the following…



• playing football individually (individual skills or fitness activities);

• playing football with your family or other people living in your household;

• an individual can play football with one other person who is not from their household.

• coaching an adult player one-to-one.


Not Permitted:

• coaching a child (U18) from a different household one-to-one. In order to comply with our safeguarding policy, a child must have a parent/carer with them, which doesn’t comply with Government social distancing requirements;

• two or more people from one household playing with one person or more from outside their household.


Hopefully the first step of many towards the return of football, but as much as we’re keen to get back into it, safety and child welfare is our number one priority. We will keep you posted with developments and announcements.




© Hythe & Dibden Youth Football Club  |  FA Affiliation Number 2022/23: Y-HAM8174  |  Privacy Policy  |  Data Protection  |  Website by Zap Creative

© Hythe & Dibden Youth Football Club
FA Affiliation Number 2022/23: Y-HAM8174
Privacy Policy  |  Data Protection

Website by Zap Creative